OXFAM Trailwalker 2024
Include the traditonal 100K (team of four, time limit 48 hours) and the newly introduced 40K (team of four, time limit 20 hours, starting at 14:00) events. Application period: 23/5/2024 …
Include the traditonal 100K (team of four, time limit 48 hours) and the newly introduced 40K (team of four, time limit 20 hours, starting at 14:00) events. Application period: 23/5/2024 …
Distance: 16.5km; Elevation/Decent +8416m / -729m; Time limit: 5 hours
Distance: 15km; Elevation/Decent +776m / -498m; Time limit: 5 hours
Distance: 15km; Elevation/Decent +686 m / -684m; Time limit: 5 hours
Distance 13km, elevation 645m, time limited 3 hours
Distance 10km, elevation 495m, time limit 3 hours
122km, 5800+ elevation gain, maximum allowed race time 36 hours
97km, 4800+ elevation gain, Max allowed race time 32 hours
19km / 14km / 5km