UNICEF Charity Run – WondeRun
Includes 1K Fun Run and 3K Obstacle Run for children, teenagers, parents and schools.
Includes 1K Fun Run and 3K Obstacle Run for children, teenagers, parents and schools.
This includes a 5K Timed Challenge, 4K Fitness Run, and a 1K Panda Run. After the race, all participants can stay in Ocean Park and join the Ocean Park Conservation …
Includes half marathon and 10K for individuals and teams, 3K individual, and 1K family run.
Include 12K and 5K races and a 1K family run.
Include 6K for individual, 3K for family and 1K leisure walk.
Include 50K, 25K and 10K events on Hong Kong Trail with individual, team and corporate categories.
Hong Kong’s second formally organised LGTQI+ running event is held in celebration of fitness, friendship, family and diversity. This includes a 9K run and a 5K family-friendly hike.
Includes 10K, 5K, 3K, and a 10K Wheelchair race.